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Pérez-Laspiur, Juliana

Faculty Member



  • Dr. Juliana Pérez Laspiur is a dedicated research scientist and mentor to minority undergraduate students in health disparities. She has a strong background in collaborative research and directing academic mentoring research programs and laboratories aimed at decreasing the disparity in scientific research education of underrepresented students and women. Dr. Perez Laspiur’s collaborative research is currently funded by NIH, USDA, and ED among others.

selected publications

research overview

  • Lactation and nutrition. Immunology of mastitis during lactation. Molecular (genomics and proteomics) and cellular profile of the mammary gland with mastitis. Identification of pathogens causing mastitis in the northwest of Puerto Rico.

full name

  • Juliana Pérez-Laspiur

primary email



  • 787-890-2681 x 6220
Publications in VIVO
  • Contact Info
  • 787-890-2681 x 6220