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Torres-Abreu, Alejandro

Faculty Member



  • Alejandro Torres-Abreu is an environmental sociologist and qualitative researcher with more than twenty years of experience in the field. During the last seven years he has worked as a Research associate and the Coordinator of the Transdisciplinary Institute for Social Action Research, University of Puerto Rico at Humacao.

research overview

  • His research interests revolve around the interconnections between culture and environmental policy, with a focus on the political ecology of water issues, the public participation of natural protected areas, and participatory action research methodologies to promote environmental justice in Puerto Rico.

full name

  • Alejandro Torres-Abreu

primary email

  • alejandro.torres1@upr.edu


  • (787) 850-9308
Publications in VIVO
  • Contact Info
  • (787) 850-9308
  • Websites