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Morales-Butler, Emmanuel J

Faculty Member



  • Dr. Emmanuel J. Morales Butler is currently an Associate Professor of Mathematics in the Department of Natural Sciences at the University of Puerto Rico, Utuado campus. He obtained a B.S. in Applied Mathematics from the Metropolitan University in Puerto Rico in 2008. He was awarded at that time the Bridge to the Doctorate Fellowship by the Western Alliance to Expand Student Opportunities, and, in 2012, he received the Alfred P. Sloan Scholarship. In 2014, Emmanuel earned his Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics for the Life and Social Sciences from the Simon A. Levin Mathematical, Computational and Modeling Sciences Center in Arizona State University. His research interests are in developing and applying mathematical and statistical methods to quantify structural uncertainty in models pertaining to infectious disease epidemiology.

selected publications

research overview

  • His research interests are in developing and applying mathematical and statistical methods to quantify structural uncertainty in models pertaining to infectious disease epidemiology.

full name

  • Emmanuel J Morales-Butler

primary email

  • emmanuel.morales13@upr.edu


  • (787) 512-5921
Publications in VIVO
  • Contact Info
  • (787) 512-5921