Transcriptional repression by Tup1–Ssn6This paper is one of a selection of papers published in this Special Issue, entitled 27th International West Coast Chromatin and Chromosome Conference, and has undergone the Journal's usual peer review process. Academic Article uri icon


  • The Tup1–Ssn6 complex from budding yeast is one of the best studied corepressors and has served as a model for the study of similar corepressor complexes in higher eukaryotes. Tup1–Ssn6 represses multiple subsets of genes when recruited to promoters by sequence-specific DNA binding repressors. Tup1–Ssn6 mediated repression involves interactions among the corepressor and hypoacetylated histones, histone deacetylases, and the RNA transcriptional machinery. Nucleosome positioning is also involved in repression of a subset of Tup1–Ssn6 regulated genes. These findings highlight the importance of chromatin modification states in Tup1–Ssn6 mediated repression. Here we review the multiple mechanisms involved in repression and discuss Tup1–Ssn6 homolog functions in higher organisms. We also present a model for how repression by Tup1–Ssn6 may be established.

publication date

  • 2006

number of pages

  • 6

start page

  • 437

end page

  • 443


  • 84


  • 4