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Malavé-Sanabria, Tania M.

Faculty Member



  • Tania Malavé has been a part of the UPR Humacao campus faculty for seventeen years.  She has been involved in research training for 15 years, in programs like BioMinds, PRLSAMP, and NIH-URISE.  She has served in the Ford Foundation Fellowship Biological Sciences Review Panels since 2018. She has also served as Director of the Department of Chemistry (one semester in 2017) and since February 2020.

research overview

  • Dr. Malavé’s research focuses on the transcriptional regulation of gene expression using Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a model.

full name

  • Tania M. Malavé-Sanabria

primary email

  • tania.malave@upr.edu


  • (787) 850-9387
Publications in VIVO
  • Contact Info
  • (787) 850-9387