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Miranda Massari, Jorge R.

Faculty Member



  • Bio: Clinical pharmacist, researcher, and Professor at the University of Puerto Rico. He is also a professor of Pharmacognosy and Botanical Medicine in a Master of Naturopathy Program at the EDP University. International speaker on Metabolic Correction and Orthomolecular Medicine. He was inducted into the Academy of Arts and Sciences of Puerto Rico and to the Iberoamerican Academy of Science and Culture in 2014. Also inducted into the Orthomolecular Hall of Fame of the International Society of Orthomolecular Medicine (Vancouver, Canada, 2016).

selected publications

research overview

  • Main Research Interest is the development of effective, non-toxic treatments for chronic diseases, especially autism, diabetes, and cancer. Metabolic optimization to address the root cause of diseases. Identifying and improving factors associated with neurometabolic and proliferative disorders. Identifying and changing the biochemical conditions that promote, develop, and sustain the malignant state can produce inhibition of malignant cell proliferation, increase aerobic metabolism and achieve re-differentiation possibly with mitochondrial optimization.  Also interested in the development of non-toxic therapeutic strategies that enhance the effectiveness of other treatments or that reduce their toxicity. High dose Ascorbic acid, lipoic acid, acetyl L-Carnitine, Coenzyme Q10, magnesium and phospholipids.

full name

  • Jorge R. Miranda Massari

primary email

  • jorge.miranda2@upr.edu


  • 787-646-0720
Publications in VIVO
  • Contact Info
  • 787-646-0720