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Santiago-Berríos, Mitk’El B.

Faculty Member



  • Dr. Mitk’El B. Santiago-Berríos has an expertise in materials science. with in-depth knowledge on laboratory procedures and analytical techniques including UV-VIS, FT-IR, SEM, XRD, Electrochemistry, Synchrotron spectroscopy techniques for the characterization of novel materials for renewable energy applications.

selected publications

research overview

  • Materials chemistry, Renewable energy, fuel cells, solar cells, in situ and operando characterization of electrode-interphase chemistry using synchrotron techniques.

full name

  • Mitk’El B. Santiago-Berríos

primary email

  • mitkel.santiago@upr.edu


  • (787) 477-0907
Publications in VIVO
  • Contact Info
  • (787) 477-0907