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Rivera-Claudio, Mirna

Faculty Member



  • I am a Professor of Organic Chemistry, Spectroscopy, Practice at Industry and Undergraduate Research. I studied in P.R., Illinois, and Texas.

research overview

  • Dr. Rivera Claudio has been doing research with undergraduate students from the Chemistry and Biology Department at UPRH. The synthesis and characterization of new small molecules has been accomplished. The objectives of the research of the new compounds:

    • To evaluate their biological properties in vitro by using breast, colon, ovarian, lung and leukemia cancer cells among others.
    • The anti-inflammatory ability via the inhibition of microglial activation is under study also and can be important in neurological application.
    • Some molecules are studied for material sciences applications for example: an electrochemical sensor.
    • The collaborators work at UTEP, SJBSM, UPR and UAGM

full name

  • Mirna Rivera-Claudio

primary email

  • mirna.rivera@upr.edu


  • (787) 850-9387
Publications in VIVO
  • Contact Info
  • (787) 850-9387