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Rosado-Quiñones, Robert

Faculty Member



  • Robert Rosado Quiñones has been working at UPRA Library since 1998 and is currently the Head of the Arecibo Special Collection. Rosado has held several staff positions at UPRA, such as Administrative Assistant Dean, Library Director, Library Liaison of the Learning Communities Project and Library Liaison of Distance Learning Technologies. He was chairman of the UPR System Library Board of Directors. Futhermore, he is part of the UPR’s Digital Institutional Repository team and an active member of the Puerto Rico Archives Network.

selected publications

research overview

  • Preservation and conservation strategies, Digital repository management, Information literacy learning, Academic library in the virtual world, Makerspace technologies, Grants writer, Community information and recreation needs.

full name

  • Robert Rosado-Quiñones

primary email

  • robert.rosado@upr.edu


  • (787) 815-0000 x 3150
Publications in VIVO
  • Contact Info
  • (787) 815-0000 x 3150