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Santiago Rodríguez, Edda I.

Faculty Member



  • Dr. Edda I. Santiago-Rodríguez is an Adjunct Professor at the School of Public Health at the University of Puerto Rico, Medical Sciences Campus. She is interested in understanding the way social determinants of health influence people’s health, including sexual health, and wellbeing. For the past 10 years, she has worked with populations made vulnerable and communities in Puerto Rico and the United States. She has focused on a series of HIV-related projects working to examine intersectional stigma, housing instability, and psychosocial factors affecting sexual minority men, transgender women and other Latino people living with HIV and their HIV care and treatment outcomes. She has blended her academic training and research experience in public health, social-community psychology, and HIV research, and leveraged her skills and insights in conducting qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods research. Her long-term research plan is to focus on understanding and eliminating the health inequities that influence the health of frequently marginalized populations, specifically the LGBT health disparities in Latino communities in the United States and Puerto Rico.

research overview

  • Public Health, HIV prevention research, structural determinants of health, sexual and gender minorities, latino/a/x populations, policy analysis.

full name

  • Edda I. Santiago Rodríguez

primary email

  • edda.santiago@upr.edu


  • 787-758-2525 x. 4219
  • Contact Info
  • 787-758-2525 x. 4219
  • Websites