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Hernández-Vale, Omayra

Faculty Member



  • Omayra Hernández-Vale has spent twenty-two years in the academy as a biology educator, student association counselor, and research mentor to undergraduate students. She also worked as a field biologist, parasitologist, and researcher for the Sea Grant Program at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus, while working on her Ph.D. in Biological Oceanography.

research overview

  • Parasitology, Fish parasitology, host parasite interaction, parasitic coinfection dynamics, phylogenetics, coevolution.

full name

  • Omayra Hernández-Vale

primary email

  • omayra.hernandez1@upr.edu


  • 787 890-2681 ext. 4458
Publications in VIVO
  • Contact Info
  • 787 890-2681 ext. 4458
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