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López-Cotto, Enrique

Faculty Member



  • Enrique López-Cotto has spent 43 years working at the University of Puerto Rico, Humacao. Over the years he has different positions such as Social Sciences Department Head and Director of the Transdisciplinary Action Research Institute. Strong Social Work research background. Accreditation and Social Work program assessment coordinator. Director of Census Information Center. High level of experience and expertise with geographic Information Systems (GIS), statistics, statistical procedures, sampling mapping, assessment, and evaluation. Good analytical / problem solving skills. Thorough understanding of concepts behind data management in relational databases. RAND. Assessment tools coordinator, Central Administration UPR and University of Puerto Rico, Medical Sciences (RCM). Liaison between the project coordinator of Evaluation of the results of Hurricane María’s damage in Puerto Rico. Coordinating interviews of Puerto Rico’s mayors and municipal staff across the Island.

research overview

  • Public Health, Programs Evaluation, Digital Cartography, Mapping, Urban Issues, Statistical. Evaluation, Poverty Issues, Population, Environmental Issues, Spatial Analysis, Land Survey, Sampling, Research in Social Work

full name

  • Enrique López-Cotto

primary email

  • enrique.lopez@upr.edu


  • (787) 378-8469
  • Contact Info
  • (787) 378-8469