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Becerra, Janette

Faculty Member



  • Janette Becerra holds a Ph. D. in Hispanic Studies from the University of Puerto Rico at Río Piedras since 2003. She also earned a Juris Doctor from the same campus and was a practicing attorney until 1991. Her primary area of academic research includes Hispanic Contemporary Fiction and Poetry, Spanish Poetry of Generación del 27, Creative Writing, and Law and Literature. She is also an accomplished writer, with multiple national and international literary awards, as well as a published songwriter for artists such as Willie Colón and Rubén Blades. She is currently a Full Professor of Hispanic Studies at the University of Puerto Rico at Cayey, with 23 years of teaching experience. 

research overview

  • Hispanic Contemporary Fiction and Poetry, Spanish Poetry of Generación del 27, Creative Writing, Law and Literature 

full name

  • Janette Becerra

primary email

  • janette.becerra@upr.edu


  • 787-318-8146
  • Contact Info
  • 787-318-8146