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Centeno Añeses , Carmen

Faculty Member



  • Carmen Centeno Añeses was Assistant Director at College Board Office, Puerto Rico where she worked at the test development office organizing workshops for professors, coordinating meetings for items writing and doing research in test theory.

    Since 1997  she works at the University of Puerto Rico at Bayamón where she taughts language courses, including basic Spanish, argumentative discourse and critical thought for students that will study legal courses, and Spanish literary history. She has also worked as Professor at the Center for Advanced Puerto Rican Studies. There she offered several graduate courses as History, Culture and Identity; Puerto Rican Essay; Caribbean Narrative; Gender and Caribbean Literature; Puerto Rican Literature, among others. Her work Modernity and Resistance: Proletarian Puerto Rican Literature (1898-1919) was distinguished as one of the best books of the literary critic at the newspaper El Nuevo Día. She also received an award from the PEN CLUB for her book Intellectuals and Esssay (2018) and was awarded with the magistral conference at UPRB in 2013 named “Education, Reading and Democracy”. As lecturer she has offered conferences at the University of Buenos Aires, University of Santiago de Chile; Casa de las Américas, Instituto José Antonio Portuondo, Centro Pablo de la Torriente Brau (Cuba); República Dominicana (100 Years of Julia de Burgos), Feria del Libro; United States, Amherst University; Puerto Rico (Seminario Federico de Onís, Biblioteca Lázaro, UPRB, UPRC, UPRH, UPRRP) and Colombia (Universidad de Cartagena).

    She has done several educational works such as contributing to the founding of the computer classroom for the Spanish Department; developing a Virtual Library for the Spanish Department; and doing research to evaluate reading comprehension of the first-year students that received the support of the Presidency of UPR administration, and creating a digital education module illustrated with Puerto Rican Art during the COVID pandemia. Has also participated in educational congresses.

    As an advocate of human rights she writes at newspapers like El Nuevo Día, Diálogo, El PostAntillano and Claridad. She also writes cultural journalism.

    Interview  by Wilkins Samot: https://letralia.com/entrevistas/2019/05/26/carmen-centeno-aneses/

research overview

  • Caribbean literature; postcolonial, subalternist and cultural studies; gender studies; Puerto Rican literature; poetry and eroticism; education and human rights.

full name

  • Carmen Centeno Añeses

primary email

  • carmen.centeno@upr.edu


  • 787-469-8003
  • Contact Info
  • 787-469-8003