publication venue for
- Comparison between procaine and isocarboxazid metabolism in vitro by a liver microsomal amidase-esterase.. 24:1517-21. 1975
- Effects of 5,6-dihydroxytryptamine on tyrosine-hydroxylase activity in central catecholaminergic neurons of the rat.. 24:1739-42. 1975
- Inhibition of aldehyde reductase by acidic metabolites of the biogenic amines.. 24:1731-3. 1975
- Inhibition of aldehyde reductase isoenzymes in human and rat brain.. 24:1865-9. 1975
- Maturation of the adrenal medulla--IV. Effects of morphine.. 24:1469-74. 1975
- The effect of adrenaline and of alpha- and beta-adrenergic blocking agents on ATP concentration and on incorporation of 32Pi into ATP in rat fat cells.. 24:1659-62. 1975