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Otero-Lugo, Deyka

Faculty Member



  • Deyka Otero Lugo has investigated various topics related to the Spanish Literature of the Golden Age, particularly the picaresque genre. In 2013, she received the Luis Llorens Torres Award for the best doctoral thesis in Spanish Literature: The construction of the picaresque discourse and the Guzmanian paradigm in the Second Part of Lazarillo (1620) by Juan de Luna. She has participated in national and international conferences in which she has been a speaker. Likewise, she has published articles of literary criticism in academics journals.

selected publications

research overview

  • Spanish Golden Age; Picaresque Literature; Medieval Spanish Literature; Medieval History and Religion in Spain; Philology; Renaissance and Baroque Topics

full name

  • Deyka Otero-Lugo

primary email

  • deyka.otero@upr.edu
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