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López-Encarnación, Juan M.

Faculty Member



  • Dr. Juan M. López-Encarnación is an associate professor of physics at the University of Puerto Rico at Cayey. He completed his bachelor’s degree in physics at the Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo (UASD) in Dominican Republic and a PhD degree in Chemical Physics at the University of Puerto Rico-Río Piedras campus working on computational studies of finite and extended atomic systems relevant to astrophysical and plasma experiments, chemical reactions, and organic multiferroic tunneling junctions. During his postdoctoral appointment at Argonne National Laboratory, Dr. López-Encarnación research was focus on the design of a new catalytic material based on a single atomic-metal embedded into a porous organic polymer.

research overview

  • Water purification: Computational design of bioinspired polymeric membranes and responsive molecules for CO2 removal and water reclamation.

    Batteries: Computational studies of relevant materials with the potential to be use on cathodes, anodes and solid electrolytes for lithium-ion and lithium-sulfur batteries.

    Catalysis: Modeling and computational studies that will aid in the design and synthesis of new catalytic materials for the efficient transformation of carbon and nitrogen sources (e.g., carbonyls and molecular nitrogen) into chemical feedstocks.

full name

  • Juan M. López-Encarnación

primary email

  • juan.lopez15@upr.edu


  • (787) 738-2161, ext. 3157
  • Contact Info
  • (787) 738-2161, ext. 3157