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Cruz González , Iadelisse

Faculty Member



  • Dr. Iadelisse Cruz-González graduated from the School of Pharmacy- University of Puerto Rico – BS in Pharmacy (1994) and Nova Southeastern University with post-baccalaureate, Pharm.D. degree in 2001. In 2001-2002, completed a PGY1 residency in Pharmacy - Primary Care at San Juan Veterans Administration  

    Medical Center (SJVAMC) at San Juan, Puerto Rico. Currently, Dr. Rodríguez holds a specialty board certification, Board Certified Geriatric Pharmacist, since 2009.

    She has been a faculty member of the School of Pharmacy of the University of Puerto Rico since 2002. Teaching and service activities include coordinating and imparting several courses from the first to fourth professional years, serving as preceptor to students at the SJVAMC (2003-2011) and NeoMed Center, Inc (2012-2021). She was Academic Senator for the pharmacy faculty from 2001 until 2022 and has served in several faculty committees including as president of both the Department and Faculty Personnel Committees. Currently, Dr. Cruz-González is the Residency Program Director of the PGY1 VACHS/UPR Residency. Other activities include advisor to the Rho Chi Pharmacy Honor Society School of Pharmacy chapter.

    Dr. Cruz-González professional philosophy is to advance the profession and the care of patients by contributing to the education of the newer generations of student pharmacists and encouraging the professional development of pharmacists in diverse and emerging areas in health care

full name

  • Iadelisse Cruz González

primary email

  • iadelisse.cruz@upr.edu


  • 787-758-2525 x 5301
  • Contact Info
  • 787-758-2525 x 5301