José Caraballo Cueto is an Associate Professor at the Graduate School of Business Administration at the University of Puerto Rico at Río Piedras. For seven years, Caraballo worked as an associate professor of statistics and finance at the University of Puerto Rico at Cayey, a researcher at the Interdisciplinary Research Institute, and director of the only Census Information Center in Puerto Rico. He completed a PhD in economics at The New School for Social Research in 2013, where he specialized in development studies and applied econometrics (a branch of statistics). He has won research grants from the National Institute of Health, the Open Society Foundation, the New York City-based Global Foundation for Democracy and Development, the Network of Foundations, and other institutions to study topics related to human development. The American magazine Diverse Issues recently listed him as one of the "emerging academics" in the United States. He was a visiting researcher at Princeton University and president of the Puerto Rico Association of Economists. He has published 20 peer-reviewed academic articles in international journals, including: “The effect of consecutive disasters on educational outcomes” in the International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction (with Eileen Segarra, Yolanda Cordero and Héctor Cordero), “Colorism and Health Disparities in Home Countries : The Case of Puerto Rico” in the Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health (with Isar Godreau); Balancing Fiscal and Mortality Impact of SARS-CoV-2 Mitigation Measurements” in Letters in Biomathematics (with Maytee Cruz); “Balanced Versus Unbalanced Growth: Revisiting the Forgotten Debate with New Empirics” in the Review of Development Economics (with Xiao Jiang and Chau Ngoyen), “Do Gender Disparities Exist Despite a Negative Gender Earnings Gap?” in the magazine Economia (with Eileen Segarra), “From Deindustrialization to Indebtedness: The Case of Puerto Rico” in the Journal of Globalization and Development (with Juan Lara), “Free trade Zones, Liberalization, Remittances, and Tourism, for what? Jobless Growth in the Dominican Republic” (in the International Journal of Development Issues), and “How (not) to Estimate GDP at the Sub-State Level: the Usefulness of the Economic Census” (in The Review of Regional Studies). He also published a book and more than 150 non-refereed articles in and outside of Puerto Rico. He is a referee for various international academic journals and a collaborator at the "Econolatin" observatory of the Autonomous University of Madrid. He has presented at more than 140 academic conferences in different countries, including at the United Nations, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, and Yale University. Dr. Caraballo was the general coordinator of the first Puerto Rico Human Development Report, a multi-sectoral investigation carried out in conjunction with the United Nations. He was a statistical project manager at the Institute of Statistics, is a member of many academic associations, and is frequently consulted by the media and public officials. Dr. Caraballo is the Co-Principal Investigator of the METAS+ project of the Institute for Interdisciplinary Research.