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Torres Hernández, Jorge Luis

Faculty Member



  • Dr. Jorge Luis Torres Hernández has a Ph.D. specializaed in Puerto Rican and Caribbean Literature. Has 31 years of academic experience and currently is a Theater Teacher in the Department of Humanities at the Univerity of Puerto Rico at Cayey.

research overview

  • Dirty Realism in the narrative of Pedro Juan Gutiérrez. Masculinities in urban space: body, violence, and the city. Cuban, Puerto Rican and Dominican literature. Narrative Hispanic American. Dramaturgy and theater research: hermeneutics, ethnodrama, ethnoscenology and theatrical anthropology.

full name

  • Jorge Luis Torres Hernández

primary email

  • jorge.torres32@uagm.edu


  • 787-414-6806
  • Contact Info
  • 787-414-6806