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Lee-Borges, Jesús

Faculty Member



  • Dr. Jesús Lee-Borges is a Full Professor at the University of Puerto Rico - Aguadilla with a master’s degree in Genetics and a PhD in Marine Sciences, with more than 30 years teaching experience. His administrative experience includes serving as an Associate Dean and Interim Dean for Academic Affairs. Dr. Lee-Borges has an outstanding track record of securing funding for a range of projects sponsored by government agencies. Currently, he serves as the Project Director for the Title III: Minority Science and Engineering Improvement Program and Title V: Developing Hispanic Serving Institutions, both funded by the US Department of Education.

research overview

  • Population Ecology, E-Dna.

full name

  • Jesús Lee-Borges

primary email

  • jesus.lee@upr.edu


  • (787) 890-2681 ext. 2279
Publications in VIVO
  • Contact Info
  • (787) 890-2681 ext. 2279